How ChatGPT found my long lost book.

Umang Shankar
Artificial Intelligence in Plain English
3 min readAug 28, 2023


First things first, here is the link to the Book ( or the evolving book) —

ChatGPT while it may not have the ability to play detective and locate misplaced physical objects, it has proven to be a catalyst for me to save time and rekindle my passion for writing, especially when it came to a long-lost book that had evaded me through countless house changes.

Detective ChatGPT

1. A Helping Hand Beyond Expectations

The story of my literary journey begins with a quest to rediscover a book that had been buried in the annals of time due to multiple relocations. ChatGPT did not miraculously unearth the physical copy, but it did something even more remarkable: it became my AI companion in the realm of words, aiding me to embark on an AI-powered authoring adventure.

2. AI Authoring: A New Chapter in Writing

Embracing the possibilities presented by AI, I ventured into the realm of AI authoring. Utilizing ChatGPT as my virtual ghostwriter, I found an ingenious way to combine my creative vision with the speed and efficiency AI can offer. With its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text, ChatGPT quickly became an indispensable tool in my writing arsenal.

3. The Fusion of Ideas: Where Human Meets Machine

While ChatGPT lent its prowess to generate text, it is important to clarify that all the fundamental ideas, plot intricacies, and the overarching direction of the story remained exclusively mine. The AI became an extension of my creative process, a collaborator that helped me translate the intricate tapestry of thoughts in my mind into coherent prose.

4. Crafting Perfection: The Art of Iteration

The creative process is far from linear, and the same held true for my AI-assisted writing journey. The initial text generated by ChatGPT served as a raw canvas, a foundation upon which I had to edit, rewrite, and refine multiple times. The iterative nature of this process was crucial in infusing my personal touch and voice into the narrative.

5. Efficiency in Output, Diligence in Refinement

One of the striking advantages of using ChatGPT was the increased pace of content creation. On an average day, I could effortlessly churn out three to four chapters, a feat that would have been dauntingly time-consuming otherwise. However, this efficiency in initial output was balanced by the meticulous weeks spent on perfecting a single chapter through rigorous editing and rewriting.

6. Beyond Plagiarism: A Tool, Not a Shortcut

Some might question the ethical implications of AI authoring, but I firmly believe that my utilization of ChatGPT was far from plagiarism or taking shortcuts. It was more about harnessing technology to amplify creativity, enhancing my ability to bring my own ideas to life in a more streamlined manner.

7. Amplifying Voices: Empowering the Less-Expressive

Perhaps the most profound revelation in this AI-assisted writing journey was the potential to give voice to individuals who might not possess the creative flair for writing, yet brim with captivating stories. AI authoring can bridge this gap, offering a platform for those with remarkable tales to tell, thereby democratizing the world of storytelling.

In conclusion, the story of my long-lost book takes an unexpected turn as ChatGPT emerged as a beacon of creativity and efficiency in the realm of writing. Through AI authoring, I discovered an avenue to harmonize my creative vision with the power of AI-generated text. It is not a shortcut, but a tool that empowers, a catalyst that accelerates, and a partner that enhances. As technology continues to redefine our creative landscapes, AI’s role in storytelling is not to overshadow human ingenuity, but rather to augment and amplify the stories waiting to be told.

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14 years of understanding users, business, and products. Love AI as much as UX and want to see how either of them can match to provide a better world for all.